I have been told that Bethany Turner is the “Queen of Romantic Comedies” by an author I met recently, and I have to agree. Though Hadley Beckett is only the second book I’ve read by Bethany Turner, I know that I will pick up the next book she writes, and then the next and the next…. There is just something about this author that draws me in, makes the world she creates real, and provides not only laugh-out-loud scenarios but also a heartfelt Christian message that makes you think.
If you haven’t yet picked up a book by Bethany Turner, do so. I doubt you’ll regret it.
Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish by Bethany Turner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Bethany Turner definitely topped the cake with her latest book, Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish. This sweet romantic comedy earned all five stars easily while following the lives of Hadley Beckett and Max Cavanagh, two Michelin-star chefs who started out on very rocky ground. From nemeses to friends and perhaps more, these two characters supply a healthy mix of wit, smack-downs, and a depth of relatable feelings.
From beginning to end I enjoyed following the journey of these two chefs. There was plenty of humor as the author showed their work-related and romantic tensions throughout, and as is typical in a romantic comedy, misunderstandings popped up now and then, leaving the reader wanting to fix the mess. And as the saying goes, “Opposites attract.” This is true for Hadley and Max not only in personality, but with their cooking styles. Hadley is the “bring on the butter and sugar,” and “the more the merrier,” while Max is “healthy and tiny portions only, please.”
Neither character remained stagnant throughout the entire story, and that is due to the friendship that blossomed rather quickly. They both felt they could trust each other, and each had suggestions for the other whether spoken directly or implied.
I also loved how God was worked in. Not an “in your face” sort of way, but it was obvious that Hadley was a firm believer and Max didn’t seem to take stock faith at all but slowly, through Hadley, came to think that perhaps there was something more there.
This is a story I would recommend to anyone who loves a good romance and a good laugh. This is a story I will be reading again.
This book was provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group/Revell, through Interviews & Reviews.
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